Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Dear Self" or "Dear Me" Letter Challenge

I've got a challenge for you if you are brave enough to try it.

Write yourself a "Dear Self" or "Dear Me" letter. Guidelines are 1. confess to yourself how you have treated yourself 2. confess how this made you feel 3. tell yourself what steps you will take to be a friend to yourself this year & 4. Put your letter somewhere you will read it frequently.

If you are really brave post to your blog or facebook notes so everyone has a chance to keep you accountable to those promises you made yourself.


Dear Me,

I know I judge you harshly due to my perfectionist nature.

I know it makes you feel like you are incapable of accomplishing anything at times.

I promise to ease up and allow you some breathing room to not do everything perfectly or worse yet not start at all. I promise to encourage you to let loose, try new things, and even to fail as long as you have tried.

2011 is going to be a great year for us.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Still Job Searching

It's been almost 12 months since I lost my job and I am still job searching. It's getting to be a little old at this point. Right now I would just love to have a part time job even if it is located here and I have to look for a new job come summer when we move.

I am planning on going back to school. This summer if I can get the financial aid worked out by then. Doing this will allow me to finish my degree about the same time that he finishes school. There have been quite a few jobs I have lost out on due to not having my degree completed despite my having more experience than the other applicants. What better time than during a down economy to go back and finish giving me the edge in seeking the jobs I really want.